

    Education-said Swami Vivekananda “is the manifestation of perfection already in man.” Every child has the potential to create something extraordinary. The basic concept of education has been revolutionized. Stress is being given for interactive method of teaching and continuous assessment. Emphasis is given for learning rather than teaching. Education now a days does not confine within books and class rooms. The art of living in the society cutting across all the modern pressure in competitions with various career options-is really tough for a child. Great Scientist Elbert Einstein said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”. Hence teacher plays a vital role-how to care and share the instinct qualities already in a child. No teaching machine can replace a teacher. The human touch and classroom interaction can never be felt in machines. Our Vidyalaya provides ample opportunities to develop personality and self-confidence to keep pace with modern pressure of life. I extend my deep sense of appreciation to all my learned teachers and worthy parents for their best efforts. I am grateful to our Chairman, Nominee Chairman and other members of VMC for taking keen interest in the development of this Vidyalaya.